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In designing your landscape, water may be the most vital element. The location of your water source will to some extent dictate the placement of your plants. The rainfall in your landscaping zone is also integral to selecting plants. If your zone gets lots of rainfall, you may attempt to grow species that otherwise wouldn't grow in your area. A paucity of water, of course, limits your choice in plants.

There is a growing concern with water conservation worldwide, precipitating in new guidelines for water usage, water-saving tips, and water-conscious landscaping techniques. These are circulated to help get the most out of our precious water. Here are some landscaping ideas for the responsible use of water.

If too much water is applied to soil and plants at once, it tends to run off rather than be absorbed. Steady sprinkler use will be more useful than briefly soaking your flora with a hose.

It is also important to water at a regular time each day. The best time tends to be early morning. The water will have time to be absorbed into the landscape rather than evaporate in the sunlight. Sun and breeze will dry the plants during the day. It is a mistake to water at night, as the long-term moisture may cause mold to grow.

And, alas, sometimes you'd do best to give in to old Mother Nature. If you live in a region whose climate is hot and dry, consider employing a landscape design that does not require much water. Such arid climates may require xeriscape landscaping. The xeriscape design was invented in Texas to preserve water - a rarity to the Lone Star State.

Xeriscape is a type of landscaping aimed at conserving water and the environment. Plants that are resistant to drought are grouped together to reduce water waste. Water-hungry ground covers such as grass are eschewed for decorative stones or mulch. The xeriscape landscape design can be attractive and highly water efficient.

It is most necessary in these times to protect and cherish nature's gifts.