Landscape design is a big job, but if you've done your homework on lawn and garden care, do-it-yourself landscaping is within your power. If you decide to undertake a landscaping job on your own, allow a good amount of time and a wide pool of options for styles that may appeal to you. Your local garden center will be helpful in finding just the right trees, shrubs and flowers for your landscaping zone. When you seek help, be sure to note the amount of light in your yard, as it will be helpful to your assistant.
You must remember the five elements crucial to design: color, line, form, texture and scale. Plants come in many colors -- how will you arrange different colored flowers to achieve an over-all effect? Color has an impact on mood, so choose carefully. The texture and shape of your plants will also play in the over-all effect of your landscape. Remember also that the size of plants will change over time, and balance them accordingly. The following tips will be useful to remember.
Contemplate the size and shape relationships of the plants you plan on using -- estimate their relationships over time. Make sure you buy plants that only need as much sun and shade as your yard allows. Plan around the maintenance required by your plants and consider how much time and effort you can afford, or are willing, to give your landscape once its installation is complete.